LSC 820 Information Literacy

Articles to Read

Goals (from Joan Weeks' Fall 2007 Syllabus)

With successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Define the scope and content of information literacy instruction in libraries within the guidelines of the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards
  • Explain and apply major learning theories to instructional design and teaching
  • Structure instructional programs to meet diverse learning styles and multiple intelligences in students at all levels
  • Design an instructional plan for a large organization covering many diverse audiences, courses and a budget
  • Design and produce instructional materials that give learners clear, well-organized content that can be applied in a variety of settings
  • Apply web technology including simulations, graphics and web forms to online instruction
  • Develop, produce and load on a server an online module of information literacy instruction including banners, clear navigation, images, and graphics
  • Apply evaluation methodology to instruments to measure and assess learning outcomes
  • Conduct an interactive teaching experience in a classroom setting
  • Deliver synchronous and asynchronous instruction using the online module produced in the course.
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