People to Know
- Lawrence Lessig
Articles to Read
- “The World is Spiky” in The Atlantic Monthly, October 2005.
- American Library Association copyright Web page
- Creative Commons
- “Who Should Own Ideas?” MIT Technology Review, June 2005.
- “The People Own Ideas!” by Lawrence Lessig. MIT Technology Review, June 2005.
- “The Creators Own Ideas.” by Richard A. Epstein. MIT Technology Review, June 2005.
- “Lessig’s Rebuttal to Epstein.” by Lawrence Lessig. MIT Technology Review, June 2005.
- “The Information Commons: A Public Policy Report.” by Nancy Kranich, Nancy New York, NYU School of Law, 2004.
- "Top Technology Trends,” Information Technology Association, a Division of the American Library Association.
- “College Libraries Set Aside Books in a Digital Age.” by Ralph Blumenthal. New York Times, May 14, 2005.
- Abels, E. et al. (2003, June) “Competencies for Information Professionals of the 21st Century,” revised June 2003. Alexandria, VA: Special Libraries Association.
- Libraries and the Long Tail Dlib article about the long tail concept
Goals for Student Learning (from David Shumaker's Fall 2007 syllabus)
This course addresses competencies A.8, B.6, D.3, and D.4 of the “Competencies for Information Professionals of the 21st Century,” revised June 2003, by Eileen Abels, Rebecca Jones, John Latham, Dee Magnoni, Joanne Gard Marshall. In addition, the course addresses the Personal Competencies defined in the document by developing each student’s understanding of the strategic role of the information professional in any organization and in society at large.
- A.8 Advises the organization on copyright and intellectual property issues and compliance.
- B.6 Develops information policies for the organization regarding externally published and internally created information resources and advises on the implementation of these policies.
- D.3 Protects the information privacy of clients and maintains awareness of, and responses to, new challenges to privacy
- D.4 Maintains current awareness of emerging technologies that may not be currently relevant but may become relevant tools of future information resources, services or applications.
Subject Outline
(This subject outline was gacked with permission from compssummer2007 wiki.)
Main Text: Richard Rubin—Foundations of Library & Information Science
Topics to Review from Carrie Gardner's Spring 2007 syllabus:
- Defining Libraries
- Library History
- Library Luminaries
- Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Freedom
- Fair Use
- Privacy
- Ethics
- Funding and Management of Libraries
- Impact of Technology
- Impact of Standards
- Information Literacy
- Media Consolidation
- Professional Associations
To the Point:
In a democratic society, each citizen is a major stakeholder. The manner by which information flows in our society has a direct effect on our ability to make informed judgements and to take delberative action (Foundations of LIS, p. 124).
Issues to consider:
- Intellectual freedom (access)
- Intellectual property (copyright)
- Library Mission, values and ethics