LSC 551 Organization of Information
People to Know
- Michael Gorman
Articles to Read
- How Much Information?
- What is a Controlled Vocabulary? by Karl Fast, Fred Liese, and Mike Steckel
- Thesaurus Principals and Practices
- ISO Standard on Indexing
- Beneath the metadata: Some philosophical problems with folksonomy by Elaine Peterson. D-Lib Magazine, 12(11).
- IAs in search of an identity? by Andrew Dillon. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. June/July 27(5).
- Information and knowledge: an evolutionary framework for information science by Bates.
- Understanding Metadata (NISO publication)
- Libraries and the long tail: Some thoughts about libraries in a network age by L. Dempsey. D-Lib Magazine. 12(4).
- Rethinking subject cataloging in the Online environment by Marcia J. Bates. Library Resources & Technical Services 33 (October 1989): 400-412.
Subject Outline
(This subject outline is gacked with permission from the compssummer2007 wiki)
Main Text: Arlene Taylor—Organization of Information
Topics covered on recent syllabus from Young Choi's Spring 2007 Class:
- Organization of Information—Why and How
- Concepts of Data, Information, Knowledge
- Organization and Retrieval of Information
- Representation of Information Entities
- Tools and systems for organizing and retrieving information
- Information Resources Description
- Encoding Standards—MARC
- Metadata
- Authority Control
- Subject Analysis
- Controlled Vocabularies
- Thesaurus
- Library Subject Headings
- Indexing
- Categorization and Classification
- Cataloging Internet Resources
- OPAC Systems and system design
- Interoperability schemes and protocols
- Users and OPACs and bibliographic systems
- Information Architecture
- Digital libraries
- Knowledge Management
- Current Trends
- Semantic Web
page revision: 10, last edited: 25 Mar 2008 02:25